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Hello you!

Thanks so much for visiting – I’m Hannah! Welcome to my first ever travel blog. Guessing you’d like to know a little bit about me first?…I’m a Brit, northern gal to be precise, and I want to explore as much of this earth as I can. I’m a laid back perfectionist (slightly ironic I know), and I am utterly obsessed with sunsets.

Creating this travel blog was a way for me to document my travels so far so I never forget the fantastic places I’ve been and the incredible people I have met along the way! If there’s one thing I can thank this pandemic for, it’s for giving me the time to stop, reflect, think and to actually kick my ass into gear and finally pull this blog together. 

If it helps others (you!) to ignite their passion to #travelmoore – bonus!

Click the button below if you wanna know some more about my journey so far…

little bit more about me…


I want to see more…